General Orders


General Orders

eng, Latn


SNAC Resource ID: 11652462

National Archives at College Park

Related Entities

There are 1 Entities related to this resource.

United States. Army Forces Command (corporateBody)

U.S. Army Forces command (FORSCOM) was activated on July 1, 1973, pursuant to Department of the Army General Order 16 of May 18, 1973, as part of Operation Steadfast, a reorganization of the Army''s major commands. FORSCOM, along with the U.S. Army Training and Doctine Command (TRADOC) replaced the U.S. Continental Army Command (CONARC). FORSCOM headquarters moved to Fort McPherson, Georgia, where it displaced Third U.S. Army, which was inactivated on October 1, 1973.The U.S. Army Forces Command...